Hello and welcome!

Here to learn more about Foxglove Comics affiliates?
Interested in becoming one?

This is the place to be!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


What is an affiliate?

An affiliate is a vetted creator with access to a private collaborative workspace. They are people we feel comfortable elevating in our community due to their generous involvement with it. Affiliates support us and our community by donating their time, skills, or resources, though being an affiliate is by no means required to do those things! Everyone can give back to the community equally.

You can identify an affiliate by their uniquely colored name on our Discord server. Their @Affiliate Creator role grants them access to the affiliate category of channels, where we share and discuss the business of creation. Affiliates also have the privilege of possibly partaking in private events or projects via these channels.

Affiliates are not to be confused with assistants, those that aid us in the creation of our comics. Each comic has its own team of creatives, whereas affiliates can be considered a team of their own. In the same sense, this is not an internship, nor are we providing some form of higher education. If you're seeking further education in your creative endeavors, turn towards our community resources instead: there are many folks willing to teach, including us!

Why have affiliates?

Simply put, we lack the time and energy to do everything with open arms to the public. Our collaborative doors are not closed, but it is impossible to keep them open at all times. Additionally, it helps to have a private collaborative workspace where we can share unannounced materials without generating misinformation. Having a pool of vetted creators to work with significantly recharges our creative efforts, and when we wish to collaborate with others, we are likely to approach affiliates first. However, you are not required to be an affiliate to work with affiliates nor to work with us.

In return, affiliates can trust and bolster each other, knowing that they are among capable peers. Together we foster trust, collaboration, review, and aid. Being an affiliate can also be considered passive advertising of approved creators. We hope to form a net of support and a foundation of collaboration that will result in more amazing work, events, and growth for the community as a whole!

What is expected or required of affiliates?

Affiliates are not required to do much, if anything. They have no outstanding responsibilities since they are not members of the Foxglove Comics collective. Though we may plan projects with affiliates, everything is optional. However, we do expect affiliates to give as much as they take in order to maintain fair compensation of others' time and efforts. This is not an obligation to contribute at all times, but rather a request to lend a hand where capable. This helps to ensure that everyone works well with one another.

NOTE: This is not a monetary affiliate program (ex: Twitch, Amazon, etc), nor are there any financial agreements. We take no ownership or stake in anything affiliates do, either as an affiliate or in their own projects. There is no contract, binding or otherwise. Consider this a label with privileges, nothing more. As such, we expect affiliates to adjust their expectations accordingly.

Who can become an affiliate?

All creators are welcome, not just webcomic creators! However, it takes more than being capable; otherwise the publicly available @Creator role would suffice! To define who can become an affiliate, we’ve drafted some qualifications:

  1. They consistently bring positive interactions to both us and our community.

  2. They produce respectable works that are well received.

  3. They are not strangers to our community and we know them well.

  4. They contribute in a meaningful manner.

  5. Collaboration would benefit those they work with, not just themselves.

  6. Above all, they are a respected individual who boasts a stellar reputation within our community.

How do I become an affiliate?

Unlike becoming a member of the Foxglove Comics collective, you can apply to become an affiliate! The form is available to all. Should your application be declined, don’t fret! We are setting a very high bar here and will provide feedback where possible if desired.

If you are interested in becoming an affiliate but don’t feel ready yet, utilize our Discord community! We have plenty of channels for critique, advice, and asking questions. There is no rush, so take your time if necessary.

Can I lose my affiliate status?

Yes, absolutely. All affiliates are expected to abide by our Discord server’s rules. They are not immune to moderation. Additionally, affiliates have expectations when working with others behind the scenes. The affiliate label is a privilege and it will be revoked if you prove harmful or abusive.

  1. No using our image(s) in poor taste, be it Foxglove Comics, affiliates, our works, or us as individuals. This applies to our literal artistic imagery, social image, and brand identities.

  2. No elitism, favorites, brown nosing, or clinging. Toxic social goals only serve to ruin relationships. Some may be more credible, experienced, or capable but everyone has valuable insight.

  3. No totem pole behavior. We are equals and so are our readers. Affiliate is not a label of superiority.

  4. No leaks. Trust is a must and most internal discussions won’t come to fruition. Foster a safe space for discussion and private thoughts.


Applications are OPEN